Friday, February 24, 2006
  Oh my Hortons!
All things considered, I had a good day. I'm hovering over a good poem right now like a trucker pausing before a magnificant shit, and I can feel it coming closer to the forefront of my brain the more I sit and think about it.

I spent the morning hanging around my grandmother who today was an invaluable dispenser of sage knowlege and wisdom. She showed up at my house at 9:30 [2], and crocheted while we bemoaned the lack of Journal don le pad, and I struggled to wake myself up and brace for the funeral.

We left at ten and creatively managed to walk down Jasper Ave and not end up at the church until twenty to two. We were so creative, it took us roughly 3.5 hours to walk fifteen blocks, and several infusions of beverages and bitchy barristas.

The funeral itself...was a very moving event, as it should have been. It sounds strange to say it was "nice", but it was really nice. They did a really good job, and it was more a happy rememberance with some humor then it was formal and horrifically depressing. I did not really like the pastor though. Halfway through, his sermon seemed to veer away from "funeral-related" to "we still love all y'all Christian haters out there. We're going to save all the Atheists and the heathens." It came out of nowhere. I guess funerals present unique opportunities for a conversion, although, you'd think that could run just as much to the contrary.

One thing: I do however, have a renewed sense of "something" (awe?) for people who do have a Faith. It's a lot of bull and poppycock to swallow, in my opinion, but if it makes you so at peace as you were today with such a senseless tragedy-- power to you.

I have begun keeping an eye out for apartments that I like, even though I'd like to stay in my building. There are lofts for rent on 114 Ave- probably way out of my range, but always worth a look.

[1] "Flew" by Jennifer Davis. Oil on Canvas, (2003).

[2] This is old people speak for "why the hell have you been sleeping in so long? It's almost time for a coffee and then lunch already!
I would really really love to stay in the building. But if I could find a cheap loft, I'd be there in a second. LOL. I think I might be able to afford a one room though in our building, and realistically, that's probably what I'll end up doing.
Kat doesn't want to leave her building/room, because of her cats....being as she's allowed to have them there, and that the building is now cracking down hardcore on animals (ie: if they find out you have a furry creature, you're immediately a) under suspicion for cruel acts or b) going to have to get rid of it immediately or face an eviction. So I've heard anyways.
Ash? Hampster? Right....

I think they're more concerned about furry pets then scaly pets. Plus, yes, everyone knows about Elaugh, but I also have "the protectorate" of the supers being on my side, and really not caring, unless she gets loose.
I really don't want to move out of here. I do want a cat though if I live by myself. No jokes. It's lonely enough with my roommate, it'd be even lonelier if I was all by myself.
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