stuck on an epiphany

Today has been a good day. I got le super package extraordinaire in the mail from the boy, which was a great way to start it. At three p.m. when I officially was capable of "starting" anything. Dog bless reading week. Amen. So I have a hand-made amazing StrongBad valentine that I'm fighting the urge to hang up prominently, for the sake of the feelings of other people living here. Oh, I'll show you though, if you ask.
I'm sure I spent some of the day doing something useful in many forms. I cleaned the washroom namely, and worked for a few hours in le store. Nothing of great interest happened at the store though, dissappointingly enough.
A few days ago, I talked to a very old hometown aqquaintance for a while, and had a terrific conversation. It turns out that like me, he escaped to Edmonton, and has done quite well for himself. He has always been very into music (singing/songwriting/etc.) but it turns out that he's got a penchant for writing, and has great plans for an incredible sounding book. In anycase, it was funny, because I feel like in that one conversation we found zen in each other--something that, despite knowing him since grade three (before he changed schools) and throughout highschool, never occurred to me. We'd always enjoyed talking to each other, but never had time to stop and talk, and different circles of friends that only met occaisionally. Though, admittedly, my circle of friends was more the "circle of those I debauch with", and not really strength-filled. Anyways, there has been talk of getting together and goading each other into creative frenzies of writing and productivity via brainstorming and beer. Should be good.
My knee popped into place yesterday. All is well on the homefront. Currently I am at T-8 days until John's arrival from the cold climate to the North. I'm excited, but I'm getting nervous too, admittedly. I guess I'm worried about him getting treated like crap because he's American. I mean, I've just noticed lately that it is so natural to say something demeaning about them without thinking. Hell, I used to be one of those people, and I'll still do it if it involves a certain ass-face of a president, but making fun of Americans has just become this little humorous mainstay in our country. If all else fails, there's always a dumb American thing to make fun of, right? Is your date thinking you're lame? Crack one about 9/11! If I were to crack a joke about 9/11 to John, as good a sense of humor he has, it would crash and burn. Like a plane into a building. There. You see? Unthinkingly. I'll apologise about this later.
[1] No, this is not what it may first appear to be. Fucking potheads.