The Tag Lives ON

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Feeding sea life at the aquarium in St. Andrews
2. Recreational assistant at the Pines extended-care center
3. Reporter for the hometown 'Base paper
4. Employee of the city of Stink, cutting grass and snorting hydraulic fluid.
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
1. Office Space
2. Garden State
3. Spirited Away
4. Fight Club
Four Places I Have Lived
1. St. Albert, AB
2. Fort Simpson, NWT
3. Cold Lake, AB
4. Cowansville, QC
Four TV Shows I Love To Watch
# House
# Scrubs
# Prison Break
# Desperate Housewives
Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
1. Arizona
2. Washington
3. All over Canada
4. Through most of the northern states on the bottom 48.
Four Of My Favorite Dishes
1. Pyrogies
2. Tandoori Chicken
3. Green Onion cakes and Lemon Chicken
4. Egg sandwiches
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. Questionable Content
2. Ink slinger
3. Mad Scientist
4. Evil Science
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Alaska
2. Not here.
3. Corfu
4. Tim Hortons