Wednesday, March 15, 2006
  The Foulness: part II

I realized today that I'm so incredibly disgusted with the world in general. The general populace is better at evading the chore of being good than actually being good. We're also very good at making sure the downtrodden stay that way. If I were to enquire if someone who has gone missing because he got evicted from the YMCA had been around, the first thing the person I would ask would say is, "why? Does he owe you money?"

People are not decent. Some have their shining moments, but I'm inclined to think that we're better at being shitheads than anything else. So then, if our world is a bustling orgy of shitheads, what the hell is the point?

I'm sure if I had faith, I could at least pretend that there is hope for humanity, but sadly I don't.

I threw a half full coffee in the Square today and watched it explode as it met concrete, begging for someone to come up to me and berate me for doing it, so that I could say, "do you honestly think that if I'd thrown it in the garbage, that somehow the world would be less disgusting?" But of course, no one had the decency.

Sure...maybe I am being a miserable immature person right now if you just look at that one act, but honestly, people live their whole lives not questioning acts like that (or worse), and they're still happy. Is it better to focus on just the tiny microcosm of your own life and forget the world? Is it easier that way to just let the pain and misery of other people fade to white noise in the background?

Even better, what do you do if you do care about people, and you impair yourself and your ability to help, by trying to help, by trying to be a good person who stands up for what's right?
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