Friday, March 24, 2006
  Stolen goods
Ok, so this picture isn't installation art, but ...it should be. The move is called the Camel Clutch, and a great piece of installation art could be done with it, minus the dripping bodily fluids. Perhaps in a train station or something.

Anyways, I was bored, and tired of cleaning, so I stole some interesting questions from an interesting man's blog to answer for myself. Feel free to do the same. It could be...a meme, or something.

Q:If you could decide what will be written on your gravestone, what would you have inscribed?
I think I used to have a good idea of what this would be, but for some reason, all I can think of now would be "Kyla died doing what she loved best. Eating cold refridgerated left-overs and having sex at the same time. Those mussels finally got her in the end though." Man...what a great way to go!

Q: If you were elected to be the leader of the United States tomorrow, what would be your first act?"
I'm taking my relationship in my hands with this one... I think I would turn attention off of the war in Iraq completely, and start attending to the societal needs of my own country, like poverty, homelessness, and a piss poor health care system (depending on where you go).

Q: If you could pick one famous person to be your neighbor, who would you have next door to you?
This is really tough. I can't say Gordon Downie anymore either, because it would be somewhat unoriginal... (although...this has become an exercise of unoriginality already, a while ago). Maybe MC Hammer....we'd be mowing our lawns on the same day, and he'd yell, "STOP-- Hammer time!" We'd bust a move right there and have barbeques together where we could discuss the flash in the pan qualities of his career, and babysit each other's kids. It'd be great.

Q: If you were going to turn to crime to support yourself from now on, what kind of criminal would you become?
I think that if I had to turn to crime...judging from what I've seen in the store, I would deal crack. It's a hazardous lifestyle, but the money...I mean, fucking wow. Except I wouldn't be a derelict crack dealer...I'd be incognito, and neat, keeping a good rule of thumb to have which is, "don't smoke your own stuff. Crack kills."

This is why, boys and girls, I am going to ....oh wait a minute...THERE is no afterlife. HA!

Actually, I agree with you. I didn't think about it myself until afterwards, but you're right. It would be akin to a post-colonial error.
Why don't they just re-instate Sadam, then everything would be back to the way it was and tickity boo. I say this late on a Friday night with the usual implications involved.
"tickity boo"....awesome!
I also think that piracy would be a good choice in criminal activity. I mean pirate anything, satellite signals, CDs, movies, software, etc. The money might not be as good, but at least you could introduce yourself to the ladies as a legitimate pirate. I think that if I were to go that route I would definitely have to get the eye patch, peg leg, and say arrrrr. Those little public service announcements they show before movies, they don't mention the cool factor of being a pirate, just the legal ramifications. It's really a shame because they should have a more balanced presentation on the issue to let people decide for themselves if they want to turn to movie swashbuckling.
I agree with the attention from the war needing to be directed elsewhere, but not eliminated. I think if it were financially plausible and I had to answer the question, I would also include helping out other countries for purposes other than personal gain. Like the AIDS epidemic in Africa or something. I dunno. I'm not president though... yet.

I used to be a pirate!

... sort of. I used to sell pirated anime for profit. ^0^

I loved your choice for your neighbour! Tee hee, made me laugh. I had a teacher once in high school who asked the class what we would like her to say when she wanted us to be quiet, so we told her to say, "Stop! Hammer time!" Sure enough, she said it for the rest of the year.
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