Stolen goods

Ok, so this picture isn't installation art, but should be. The move is called the Camel Clutch, and a great piece of installation art could be done with it, minus the dripping bodily fluids. Perhaps in a train station or something.
Anyways, I was bored, and tired of cleaning, so I stole some interesting questions from an
interesting man's blog to answer for myself. Feel free to do the same. It could be...a meme, or something.
Q:If you could decide what will be written on your gravestone, what would you have inscribed? I think I used to have a good idea of what this would be, but for some reason, all I can think of now would be "Kyla died doing what she loved best. Eating cold refridgerated left-overs and having sex at the same time. Those mussels finally got her in the end though." Man...what a great way to go!
Q: If you were elected to be the leader of the United States tomorrow, what would be your first act?"I'm taking my relationship in my hands with this one... I think I would turn attention off of the war in Iraq completely, and start attending to the societal needs of my own country, like poverty, homelessness, and a piss poor health care system (depending on where you go).
Q: If you could pick one famous person to be your neighbor, who would you have next door to you? This is really tough. I can't say Gordon Downie anymore either, because it would be somewhat unoriginal... (although...this has become an exercise of unoriginality already, a while ago). Maybe MC Hammer....we'd be mowing our lawns on the same day, and he'd yell, "STOP-- Hammer time!" We'd bust a move right there and have barbeques together where we could discuss the flash in the pan qualities of his career, and babysit each other's kids. It'd be great.
Q: If you were going to turn to crime to support yourself from now on, what kind of criminal would you become?
I think that if I had to turn to crime...judging from what I've seen in the store, I would deal crack. It's a hazardous lifestyle, but the money...
I mean, fucking wow. Except I wouldn't be a derelict crack dealer...I'd be incognito, and neat, keeping a good rule of thumb to have which is, "don't smoke your own stuff. Crack kills."
This is why, boys and girls, I am going to ....oh wait a minute...THERE is no afterlife. HA!