Tuesday, April 25, 2006
  B to the O-R-I-N-G.

Right now I feel like gouging my eyes out on a piece of 3d conceptual art. Any guesses on why? Oh yeah...because I stalled with the studying again, and now have roughly 12 hours or less to my disposal to study for the final that our professor is essentially trying to cull the numbers of badly smelling art students with. I, as an ed. student, will just be a hapless bystander hit by a stray bullet of Jackson Pollock caliber.

There are so many things I'd rather be doing right now. I've decided that while I've only really been pretending to have money, that I'm going to buy me some new acrylic paints on Wednesday or Thursday. I have until May 8th to go on "le BONANZA CREATIVE" I figure, so I'll make my vacation productive and paint the time away, because I've had all sorts of crazy ideas as of late. Oh, and guess what else...I'll read stuff. For fun. It's going to be amazing.

Still no word from Staples on the status of me getting hired. I figure I'll phone them tomorrow and beg tearfully for a job perhaps. Even better, I could go beg in person, but that might be more degrading. I need work![1]

It's also come to my attention today that I need to go get my mumps vaccination "tested" apparently. My mom, being ever the alarmist on everything biologically hazardous, informed me that this would be a good idea, or I "might die." More honestly, if I got it, I could lose my hearing, which, is important enough that I will disobey my usual skepticism in regards to my mother's paranoia, and go get checked. I will get laughed out of there, as I usually am by listening to her, but, it's worth a shot this time, probably.

Interesting highlight of tonights parental conversation via their speakerphone in their kitchen and I at home:

Mom: "So yeah, if you get the Mumps, it would be awful....Oh yeah, did you make an appointment with the gynecologist yet?? What about the dental guy?"


Me: "MOM...Jesus..."

(muffled laughter from Father figure)

Mom: "Well, I think it's important. You never know what's going on in there."

In other news...I found out that Remedy was hiring, and that I missed the boat on that one. Le suck. That would have been a great place to work.

[1]As seen in the journal today: a homeless man holding a placard that said, "Brad and Angelina are having a baby, and I can't afford the gift." OH HO HO HA HA HA...
wild earth... a new cafe on my side of town is hiring... we should apply together.

could you imagine the craziness...

"so .... vasyL" says K

"yes.....there my dear"

"why are your eyes the size of spinning plates"

"why do you ask such astronomical questions"

"because you are pouring 5 shots of espresso in that muffin and trying to sell it to a 60 year old lady"

"well didnt she ask for the special....dont you think that this is special....HUH... DONT YOU"

"hey i didn't mean...." says K as she is interupted

"well whatever, i will just get back to my discusion with this cactus about the fact that the theory of plate tectonics is wrong because it can all be explained by the expansion of the earth creating crustal rifting..."

"....riiiiiiight. well i am going to do 'work' now"

"okay...." turns to cactus. "well motherfucker, explain to me subduction then......" waits
"oh what... thorn got your tounge, asshole... you got nothing. why do i waste my time on succulents like you"
turns to K "hey K, you need help?"


Where is this promise for debacle of a cafe located? Because I would be interested...

It could be hella fun working with teh strange Ukrainian boy who talks to Cactii about plate tectonic theory.

We could fuck with people's heads with deliberate delivered acts of total barrista pretentiousness.

I think that is something we could put on our resumes:

*is good at being a pretentious fuck when given the opportunity

along with,

*perfectly capable of acting concerned when really, doesn't give a rats ass about the day of the customer.
on 99th street by the IGA right by my house. i think i am going to apply for part time work. because like shit. it is 2 minutes from my house.

i think we should apply as a package deal.

i wish my ear problems were just wax.
i have permanent fluid that like to kick out the jams in my ear. it is a sinus thing.

dont even get me started on how i have to control it.

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