Sunday, April 09, 2006
  Back and Forth
I have one week to think of things to say to my dad for 15 hours of travelling to BC. Ok, not even...only until Thursday. I always have to do this....have some idea of comfortable things to discuss with him. Spontaneous conversation with my father is few and far between sometimes.

This week, has been a tumultuous one for me. I got two new shifts at work, while I've been trying to scheme desperately on how/where to get a second job. If I get a second job, I'll be busier then hell all the time during the summer. If I don't get it....I'm not going to have that much money to do much of anything with, past, you know, living. Also tumultuous is funny sixth grade drama, and pulling a fast one on my linguistics prof as far as handing in extremely cheated-on assignments worth 5%.

My first final is next week, and it's a take-home.

See how awkwardly I've worded all this blog? This was the dialog sort of in the movie we watched tonight. Stilted and obvious, and somewhat eerily done like the world REALLY was full of people having amazingly verbal epiphanies and realizations and funky things to do with objects all the time.

Seriously, the movie was incredible. I'm going to give a little background to the concept of the movie (relational aesthetics) when I get the chance, but right now is not the time, because everything hurts.
I'm glad the movie was great. Enjouy your Sunday.

oops enjoy... this comes from typing with a parrot on the left hand.

I agree with Adam--it was definitely a good movie, I enjoyed watching it. I might watch it again later on down the road.

Good luck with the 15 hours of conversation. ^^
Rose is a pirate! Kidding...I hope your parrot is doing well :).

I'm still mulling over the movie in my head....
Thanks, all three of them are doing fine.

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