
Man... it's good to be home. I have a final due tomorrow, as well as a job interview and another final on Friday, and oh yeah...I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my relationship (but that I still have managed to try and fuck it up quite nicely).
It's a good note to start all my days on, surely.
BC was really nice, and though I was flip-flopping on it earlier, I think I will go back at the end of the month for a week or so. Hopefully Joel can come with, because I always find that it's so mindless and peaceful there that it's extremely easy to get lonely and bored. Not to mention completely isolated intellectually, unless you enjoy talking about fruit, how to grow fruit, who grows fruit better, or construction.
The baby is no ordinary baby either. She's super baby. Already, she's doing things at two weeks that I'm positive are premature to her age. She's incredibly alert, and she tracks things, and she's incredibly active and smiley, and really good already at holding up her head. And gorgeous, of course. And her pooping-face, makes me laugh my ass off everytime I see it. When I have kids, I hope they're as good as her when they're babies. She rarely cries, and she loves to cuddle. Awesome.