Friday, April 21, 2006
  Just shoot it in the heart

This morning, though extremely early, started out really well. As long as there is no talking, mornings usually go ok when they start at 7:00.

Enter the impossible final exam from Hell. I actually studied, and everything actually just ended up falling out of my head. Thus, my exam writing turns into a scenerio of following gut feelings and re-making my own theories of grammar and syntactical applications.

After my exam, I was mollified back into simplicity by saving a yellow-bellied oarsman beetle and throwing it into the Zen pond by SUB. I ended up giving some guy a cigerette in exchange for not stepping on him outside MEC though. Why do engineers have to be such sadistic bastards anyways?

Interesting: I went to Second Cup on the way home, and got a coffee, and the guy that works there....not only gave me a huge deal on a slice of the humongous chocolate cake (yea, I'm feeling pretty sick right now, but it was worth it), but started talking to me afterwards as he wrapped the remnants....and I daresay, he might have been flirting, just a little. It was wierd.

And then, just to cap the weirdness factor off for my day: There is a dude in our building that I always see around, since we moved in, who has always given me an extremely bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. He rarely comes down to the store, and I keep thinking he can't really be bad, and maybe I'm just overreacting, but today, the feeling got worse. If we're in an elevator together alone, I can't wait to get out. Today, he stopped to talk while I was having a cigerette, and basically got way too close to me, and started right in on me with the following conversation:

Him: "How are you doing?"

Me: Good, good...can't complain

Him: So, what are you doing right now?

Me: Oh, well, I'm really tired, so I'm probably going to go have a nap.

Him: Why are you tired? Are you busy right now?

Me: Oh, I had a final this morning...really early

Him: Where is your boyfriend right now?

Me: Uh...not around.

Him: So, are you busy right now? Where's your boyfriend?

Me: Yeah, I'm going to go have a nap, I think.

Him: Why isn't your boyfriend around?

Me: He's just not. He's busy right now.

Him: Do you want to do something with me right now?

Me: No, dude, I'm sort of banking on that nap. What would you want to do anyways that you can't just do on your own. I mean, surely there are lots of things you can do around here for fun?

(I'm getting pissed off at this point, and weirded out)

Him: Well, just something. I have the week off.

Me: Well, there's the art gallery. Hey, you could go see a movie or something.

Him: I want to do something with you, if you'd want it

Me: Like what, a walk or something? I really don't ...I'm really tired man.

Him: Just a walk? Nothing else?

Me: No, maybe a walk some other time. But nothing else. I'm not single, so I don't do the whole 'dating' thing, ok? I'm going to head inside, I think. See you.

Him: I hope I do see you soon. *creepy smile*

OH....I could just shoot men in the heart for these types of conversations. It was very uncomfortable, and I get the impression he's not going to stop hounding me. I'm thinking of just telling him to screw off next time I see him. I am tired of not being able to say no. I keep wondering too, what kind of impression all of a sudden that he's been getting from me...I mean, do I look like the kind of girl who just puts out on the spot? I know the bedroom eyes when I see them, and his are most definately not welcome and way too obvious. If it just seemed harmless though, I don't think I'd have a problem just being all like, "nice try, maybe someone else?" I just hope he doesn't come and bug me in the store. If anything else happens (by all means, tell me if I'm overreacting by the way), I'm going to have to talk to Jim about it maybe, and see if he can do something. The dude knows what floor I live on. I however, know what floor he lives on. So maybe I can two-by-four his door shut or something, and maybe he'll starve or find nirvana in the masturbatory pleasures of the hand. Even compared to the whole episode of Dom and the drunkenness...this guy gives me a way worse feeling than that, and that was even before Dominic.
Sheesh, what a creep. I don't think you're overreacting at all. It's easy for me to say, "Just be blunt and tell him to leave you alone" but really, I think you were clear enough as you were. Why is it that some people need to be slapped in the face repeatedly before they get the hint? It sucks that you can't just be friendly toward him, but I think if you were it'll just give him the feeling that it's okay, so be mean if you have to.

Anyway, I certainly hope he doesn't continue to bother you. I'll kick his ass. ;)
Just don't use the bear spray in the elevator.

I first heard the music for that video on the famous Sony Bravia ad.

José González has some pretty good songs.
Yeah...I'm finding that about Gonzalez...I just finished downloading(evil) his album...very good.

As for the mace, I'm actually considering it. I just don't know where to buy it.
Why is it that some people need to be slapped in the face repeatedly before they get the hint?????

I'd agree.
be straight with him, dude. tell him he's creeping you out, and you aren't interested in hanging out with him. If he threatens you, just shiv him next time you see him.
OH man....I'm so in favor of shivving him...you have no idea!

He decided to come into work today and be creepy while buying toilet paper. It was great.
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