Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I would love to say that life is boatloads exciting right now, but it sure isn't. I'm working on a broadsheet project in Typo though that is a tonne of fun right now. It is in fact so rad, that I think I may get two, so that I may frame one, and give one away to a mysterious party.

I've realized lately that I feel like I'm losing touch with myself. I can't think straight about anything serious, and pull off a great conversation that well, which was pitifully evident yesterday when hanging out with J-dawg. Nothing has been that inspiring to me though lately, albeit, I haven't exactly had time to stop and smell the roses on any occasion. But the typo course, it is fun. I've also been incredibly tired. I'm feeling really antisocial, and I can't seem to get away from people. Let's face it, they're everywhere. I can't even walk down Jasper anymore without running into someone I know.
This is an extension of yesterday's issue with men--I need some space, and I'm getting the total antithesis of it.

The man who wrote me a love poem came into the store today, and thankfully S was still there, so he wimped out and didn't say or ask me anything past "hi," because I was so tired, and I still don't really know what to say that's tactful and polite. Being tired pretty much throws diplomacy skills out the window for me.

The boy, is also a large contribution in being tired, unfortunately. I always feel bad though, because we do lots of writing together, and I keep crapping out on him because a) I'm tired, b) I have to be up at 7-ish the next morning, so I never have that much time to spend with him. But on the other side of things, he doesn't seem to understand the repercussions of the time difference (he's two hours behind). And, worse off...I don't know. It's such a faux pas to whine about this on here.

I've been thinking about enriching the font collection on my computer, but I think the fact that its a Windows platform is killing it for me. The more I use the Macs, the more I want one. Additionally, in the font collection department, those things cost mega bucks. If I wanted FF Blur for instance...it would cost a mere $119 dollars. It is a package deal on that site, but even for just FF Blur regular, that's about $65 at FontFont. Depressing. It is possible to get a shitload of fonts online for free, but usually they are a) cheap knockoffs, or b)really schizo to install (rarely run correctly...or have a tendency to bugger up).

I'm thinking before I leave school though, that I may visit the "intersession" folder one more time and burn that whole thing to disc, so in the event that I do get a Mac this summer (and the prayer is officially out there, no matter how irrational!), I'll have all sorts of lovely fonts to install that didn't cost a thing. Although, feasibly, it would be some happy return for the amount of money I've shelled out to just sit in front of a computer all day hurting my eyes as I attend to meticulous details.

The font I'm using the most on my broadsheet, just so you know, is Arial rounded MT. It's one of my favorites. Actually, I should go check and see if MS Word has it...though I doubt it.

Geek Palace has been improving for me, in that I'm a master of the returns and customer servicing, but becoming terrible as the monotony sets in from already an incredible lack of challenge. I keep wishing I could have been a computer associate instead. They have all the fun. I have noticed though that the amount of bitchy customers at Geek Palace as compared to the deli, is an astronomical 20:1 ratio.

Update on MS Word: No! Fuckers. There's like 20 fonts there, if that. And they're terrible. Why must we have three versions of Wingdings? Who the fuck uses them?


Arial rounded bold mt totally comes with the mac os for free, and it makes me angry because I prefer not to use Arial on principle (it's a microsoft knock-off of helvetica, and many Arials have terrible kerning tables as well as some ugly letterforms), but it's so nice. So nice. The bundled fonts are actually pretty much sweet, especially when you toss the adobe fonts in from illustrator/photoshop/whatever installs. 'Course, that costs lots of money too.

Um, letters are basically awesome. I think about typefaces a lot, but I'm pretty sure that a class would kill me with stupid exercises. I guess I could be wrong - I'm glad you are enjoying it so much.
I'm surprised I never took a Typography course, although I really should. It was tedious in Des 390 so I think that was my impression of it in the back of my mind, but I grew to love type only after finishing that class in second year.

And yeah, I was going to say the same thing as Adam--Arial is the "equivalent" of Helvetica.

Professional typefaces are always better, but as far as free sites go, my favourite is 1001font.com. I've used it for the majority of my Design projects, with Adobe fonts tied or a close second for frequency of use.

I guess this would be a bad time to say we should hang out sometime, huh? I understand needing time alone, so we can hang out whenever you have free time. :) I've been enjoying alone time at the moment myself, and I won't have it after tonight for quite a few days so other than the possibility of a walk downtown, I don't plan on doing anything tonight.

I hope everything's going well. :)
3d: I know! Letters are basically awesome. I agree with the kerning tables thing- I have been finding that also.

I need software.

Also...Tess and 3d, there's another site that J threw at me today, that is at www.dafont.com.

Lastly- My poster is SO rad, you have NO idea. It's the shit.
Yeah, dafont is pretty rad.
Hey dude, no worries about the other night. I always say that I feel the most comfortable with someone who can sit in silence. For mere fact that some moments cannot be defined.

Keep yo chin up!!

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