Thursday, May 25, 2006
  G.I. Jane
So, I was wandering downtown today, and I decided to join the military. It was a hard drive for them at first, but eventually I succumbed, because really, the military needs more women. And the Canadian military has a pretty low participation number to begin with. The benefits are also good, and I will be able to see all sorts of new places, and meet lots of people.

I'm not sure how my parents will react, but I imagine my dad will be quite happy about it, even though I've dashed my hopes of ever getting to go to China.

Anyways...I joined, and they asked me where I wanted to go...which took a lot of deliberation, because I'm not sure- there are apparently so many cool areas I could be in. I debated officers training, but eventually settled on Transport. Those guys have the coolest jobs, and I'd get to drive sweet trucks.

So, yeah...That's what I did this morning- what did YOU do?

I'm totally just fucking with you. I would never join the military.
Man, you totally had my going there. I was like Oh man no way!
I couldn't believe it... but I was still a bit nervous!

My morning was evidently nowhere near as eventful as yours. ;)
HA HA HA.... I woke up inspired, with all the military trucks sitting in the square.
if you join the military,
i will work for an oil company.
dude, that was awesome. well played.
If you did, I'd totally want you to bring your SAW to bed with us. LoL
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