So...on the day of the end of the world...what do you hope to be doing?I hope to be feeling better, and I am feeling much better already. Take me now apocalypse, because everything is a-ok.
My super ended up talking about stalker boy with our beat cop, who upon hearing about it, said that it was not something to take lightly at all, and that he would be coming to my work today to talk to me about it, and give me his card. Complete confidentiality ensured.
Things with le boy and I are fantastic, and school also seems to be going along. I was feeling a little overwhelmed yesterday, but I think we're relatively on-track with where we're supposed to be with our project after today, so I feel a lot better about that. (Notice how I seem to talk about my feelings a lot? Tsk tsk.)
I still am very homesick though. I am going home on the 23rd for the weekend. It's funny, because the homesick thing has sort of snuck up on me. And then, wierd little events have happened around that--> My old best friend (whom, I really DON'T miss ever- which is a long story) called yesterday because she was in the city and wanted to hang out. Predictably, she just shrugged me off today though, as usual. But, it's one little thing, compounded with me running into the last bus driver I had in high school today on the LRT. It was funny, because he gave me this huge sort of awkwardly unreciprocated hug, and I got the feeling that he must be missing the old berg too...hugging every 'Laker' that he runs across perhaps. I'm not even that bad. But I do miss fresh air, and dirt and grass and gravel and seeing the stars at night, and hearing the lake birds in the morning. The third wierd little event, was that I ran into an old classmate of mine on Whyte last night-- no hugging--he's quite at home in Edmonton.
I was more social last night than I've been in a long time, and J-dawg and I went for a long walk and perusal of some buildings we'd heard tell of good graffitti on. Well, I'd heard tell. We were pretty dissappointed though, because apparently the "rad stencil" on the back of Mac's is no longer there. It only took shaking off two homeless guys and one cigerette to find that out in the middle of the night. Oh internet, why must you lie to me? In all seriousness...it probably just got painted over.