Thursday, June 08, 2006
  Silly nilly
1. Northwest Territories, Nunavit, or the Yukon?

I used to live in the NWT in Ft. Simpson, so I'm going to say that. Because it's a cool place.

2. Nintendo has a popular character called Mario, perhaps you've heard of him. Mario is a plumber. If you could "reinvent" Mario, what would his occupation be? Bonus question: what would his new uniform look like?

If I could reinvent Mario, he'd be a mechanical engineer. His new uniform would be fluorescant orange city worker coveralls, which doesn't make sense, but they're a very "ready for anything" sort of ensemble, which would be invaluable to the pursuit of golden coins.

3. Alaska, Alberta, or a new, neutral territory?

Hah...that wasn't a well deliberated question at all... Um. As of lately, I've actually been leaning towards Alaska, realizing how much of a country girl I am. And though it's a red state, I get the feeling it doesn't feel like, "YOU NOW LIVE IN AMERICA and are dumb," unless associating with republicans. And in Alaska, if you run into a republican, you can turn around and flee into the bush. Plus, I am realizing I'm really up to the adventure.

4. You have been given the opportunity to live in a wonderful studio apartment in Paris. You have all the wine you could ever want, and are fed the tastiest food in the world. You have all of this given to you for free, paid for by your patron who is basically paying you to paint all day long. The only catch is: you have are only allowed to paint reproductions of Anne Geddies photographs. Do you take the deal? I take that deal, shred it through the paper shredder, get an elephant to masticate it, poop it out, roll it into several cigerettes and give them to sixth graders. For money. No fucking way would I paint Anne Geddes.

5. You meet a talking frog who tells you that he is the reincaration of James Dean. What do you do? Ostensibly, I would find a bag that I could carry him around comfortably in, and introduce him to people as James Dean, and be a guest on Oprah. We'd talk about his sexual escapades of his past life, and the surprising encounters of his current green-skinned one, and then, James Dean would do an imitation of Kermit the Frog, and we'd all laugh, live studio audience- no kiddin'.
Random thought: Someday if it's ever in town, you should see the production of Come back to the five and dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. Good play!
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