"Unfortunate slight..."
I had a busy day today. We went to the copiers with our typo assignment and got that done this morning. The rest of the day until work, I got to relax a little, and then work. Tomorrow is officially the last day of school though, which is awesome (well, until the second one starts up in a bit).
In a different chain of non-chalant events, I landed a cleaning job for this friday. If my client likes the end product, it may be a bi-weekly thing that I clean his penthouse for him at $70 a pop. It's terrible though actually, because I can barely ever schedule in time to clean our place, lol, but I have to keep working.
Otherwise, nothing has really been going on. I'm too busy to be bored, but when I have a chance to stand still, I'm like, "fuck is this depressing. I'm bored, working my ass off, and still have no money."
I'm thinking about applying for other jobs and maybe dumping Staples. The other thing I was thinking, was maybe just advertising myself exclusively for cleaning in our building, because I have a feeling that if I was good (which I am when I put my mind to it), it'd be a good racket.[1] So many people in the building have no time to clean, or are too tired to do it when they do. Some are just old. Some are unhealthy.
[1]I am very well aware I will learn many things that I really didn't need to know more of-AND-importantly, if I were to do this, I will see incredibly disgusting things. I'll be sure to keep you informed of them all in a non-scary anonymous way if I do this.
Anyways...thoughts? Comments? Feasibility?