Thursday, July 06, 2006
  I generally feel like doing nothing right now, but it doesn't stop me
The last few days have been reminiscent of a ....[insert weird nature/hippy analogy here], and things are on the up and up. As most know by now, the boy and I have re-negotiated our relationship to that of friends, which is good, because he is one of my best friends and always will be. There is still some talk of me going to Alaska at the end of August, but I'm realizing that this is not financially viable, which is unfortunate. I do need a vacation though, definately, and not just one from my mind.

Otherwise...I work, I sleep, I eat, and really have not a lot to look forward to. I set up a scavenger hunt for my co-worker's son today in the building though, which was sort of fun, and involved me parting ways with a lot of my childhood "toys". By "toys" I mean collectible and highly detailed/crafted collection of insects, amphibians, reptiles, bats, and arachnids. I knew I'd have to get rid of them eventually, but I still sorted through them and kept the best ones for myself and future me-generations. The scavenger hunt didn't take very long, but the booty was vast, and I watched him pore over them the same way I did when I was his age.

I recently got trained in the Copy and Print center at Geek Palace- lots of things to learn, and ultimately more fun and challenging than customer service. And time passes more quickly. I've been finding myself doing a lot of stand in a la computer section as well, which is fun, because I actually get to share the knowlege of technology that I have accumulated and make "ronin ninja" sales. I keep sort of pestering to be allowed into computer sales, but they like having the men there, plus, they dangled the carrot of print and copy.

Shakespeare in the park last night was also a ton of fun. I realized I'd forgotten a lot of reasons why Hamlet was the most problematic Shakespeare play (alternatively, the most interesting) until last night. Memento mori! It was really nice to have the whole thing outside too.

Right now....it is muggy. And I am blah because it is muggy. The air is so vapourous that it is condensing on everything. And our ceiling is leaking in the hallway. That's fucking awesome.
I've always loved Hamlet. I'll definitely be checking it out soon. Everything's been so busy lately.

Sorry to hear about you and the boy, but it sounds like a good friendship came out of it so I'm glad to hear that. :)
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