Sunday, September 03, 2006
  God's Country
So far the vacation has been interesting. I especially loved going to cash my paycheck so that my rent check does not bounce, and discovering way too late that my bosses father had forgotten to completely fill out the check...make it viable for cashing, in otherwords. So, my financial bracket is considerably narrowed for the trip, unless I can get things amended on Monday when Sam gets back.

The bus ride was a little on the long side, but it's interesting, because after something like the fifth hour, everyone on the bus is like "your buddy." You share things, you entertain each other's kids, and tell stories. I'd never been on the bus long enough to discover this. It is potentially annoying yes, but, it was interesting. I met a boy from Mississippi who was especially interesting. I think by the end of the trip we both were really curious about each other, but given the current status of both our lives (he essentially had just gotten spurned by an internet lover in Grand Prairie after going to see her), we ended up just shoving off in Kamloops (his stop) and wishing we'd see each other again while knowing we wouldn't. It was strange, because he was just very comfortable to talk to, very quickly.

Anywhoots...I'm out and about, and generally having a rednecky good time...such is the way of things around here. The weather has been good. I'm also very boring right now. I've been hanging out with BabyFace a lot, which is a lot of fun. She's been making strange with a lot of people, but so far she hasn't with me.

K, so maybe I'm getting fucking bored and lonely already.
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