Of course, shit is flying off in all directions right now, and instead of catching the flying shit in a net like I'm supposed to, for a set period of time, for a
set salary, I slipped into the weird abyss of a blog long forgotten and reminded myself how good it felt to be that person. Like, I was a total egotist back then, but damn, it was fun, and I was so much more alluringly interesting as a person. Now I'm just fart jokes, diapers and quinoa.
Meanwhile, future-me is wondering what present-me is going to get out of hacking past-me's blog, exactly. It's forgotten old news that no one follows anymore, so maybe now it's truly private in its staleness.
Just like my life. Ooo, self-burn!
However, fun fact, it's BPV's fault that I came back here-- he randomly messaged me today to mention that he'd been flippin' through my old blog. So embarrassing. 90% embarrassment, truly. Of course, 20% was
WTF, but I don't need to know. 10% was good ol' curiosity-killed-the-cat. And, here I am, exhausted from crunch-time at work, needing to go home, needing to start dinner (with no ideas), but kind of interested in just having this little space back. Maybe.
I also noticed there are poems in here to dig out, perhaps. We'll see.