Thus it begins...
I haven't started the madness tonight- tonight being my last night of relaxation and reprieve (reprieve? perhaps not) before I dive into papertime.
Bizarrely, I thought I had a lot to say, but instead, I will ask a question instead:
A person (sex is unimportant) comes up to you (not a hobo) and stops in front of you. Looks hard at your face and your eyes, and then smiles broadly, declaring seriously that you are his/her soulmate. How do you react?
I personally think that the notion is ridiculous, but of course with the foolish comes the "what if" notion. If the person was completely serious, perhaps I'd ask them to validate it with an obscure question on personal taste. I suppose though that if I was getting mental patient vibes I'd get the hell out of there right fast.
No one is online to listen to my blithering. Mr. Pink is not home. Westjet....has phoned me once already. Belly has her girlfriend over for the weekend. Fenton is MIA (lazy ass that I am who hath not picked up the phone yet), and Mr. preoccupied I imagine. I suppose I'll go to bed early tonight, or maybe...maybe I should work on the novel before 'til twelve howbout? Right. That's what I thought you'd say.