Are there preservatives in these?
Miss thang (Elaugh the Anaconda) had feeding day last night, and in the perfected arched neck pounce and coil move, she
popped her mouse. Eviscera everywhere, that of course I had to clean up. Perhaps I should be upgrading to small pigs or Indie boys.
Beryl wrote me again today after I wrote him back a plethora of questions, answering my questions, but asking me why the hell I was writing him of all people. And frankly, I don't know why. Is it his Rodney Dangerfield good looks? His strangely nerdy Texan accent, and overall nerd demeanour? I don't know, but I know words have something to do with it.
Sidenote: I found out recently that my grandma was fourteen years younger then my grandfather. T'aint so bad then. The thing I wonder about obviously, is sure...mental attraction, but physical attraction...that's a whole other thing. I've always had such an aversion to older men, albeit they were old
creepy men in their fifties or forties. Beryl doesn't seem creepy. Odd, but not creepy.
Extra important sidenote: As much as this could be diagnosable- I know that I'm overthinking a lot of things lately, especially this Beryl thing, amongst others. Really though, it's just interesting- and something I've never thought about before (read: being attracted to older men), as well as a bit of a distraction from the current realm of things, which just aren't peachy. So, I'm sure it'll go away, and surely the man himself thinks I'm an insignificant gnat by now- I figure though that I'll just keep in touch until he tells me to bugger off perhaps. Because he really is interesting and awesome.
I still have so much work to do today. And, I recorded my second session today, and
choked again, this time on the summary ("Oooh....and that one's for the point- she shoots, SHE MISSES!"). If only these people were just more freakin' interesting. Two school related flip-floppers in a goddamn row. If only my problems were that insignificant. I totally set my partner up for "good grades ahoy" too, because when the whole point of a session is to practice goal-setting, "I want to quit smoking" is gold. She told me she hoped I would "sober up" in part of her summary, so apparently... AA, here I come.
The world is full of stupid people all waiting to get killed by evil geniuses. Namely the two girls who sit behind me making snotty comments after each conjecture by our professor that he deems profound in the world of teacher-related technology. Today, it was this (the usual) on top of a little Gateway slammin'...As if you could even string together a sentence worthy of our faithfully written crap paper! I'm so glad I sleep through the majority of that class. But I loathe those girls. The worst part is- these doe-eyed venomous people will be teaching
your children. Yeah, that's right, all 2.5 of them. I realized today that the cynicism that I posess will be invaluable in teaching High School- I might even bring it up in interviews.