I can't go far enough.
So...Everyone wants to know about my spectacular holiday eh? Well, nevermind. What happened in "Nevermatter Land" stays there. Unless you ask me, because I really don't want to recant it on here. It was excellent though.
Work sucks. I started on Monday, and I am staying on days this year so I can actually have a life of some kind in the evenings. I'm working with two of the Ethic-challenged girls I worked with at the end of last summer though, which has been predictably annoying. As usual though, I spend the day fuming and planning things to say to smarten them and their behavior up, but never say anything. Found a dead rabbit today, which was gross, and also ratted out a guy for dumping dog shit over his fence to Bylaw.
I really still have nothing to say. It's all just thoughts that are driving me crazy. It's like I never went away, and that sort of disappoints me. I had all these goals for mental growth and such, and I don't think I achieved them. So I'm sort of relaxed, but more because school is over then from my actual vacation, but my head is still going crazy from overload, because I just seem to have been dumped right back into it when I returned with no resolutions. Plus, evidently, I'm fat and ugly. Awesome. Why is no one up front about this, STILL, with me when I ask them? Like, be fucking honest. Give me some closure. I mean, hints would be that I attract desperate guys, but in the event of pursuing...sit me down and tell me what the fuck is wrong with me, because I can't fucking deal with this anymore.
Agh...I just need this week to be over.